Dollhouse Kalimba Tabs & Numbered Notes
Hey girl, open the walls, play with your dolls
5 1°-1 5-3 6 5 1°-1 5-3 6 5 1°-1 5-3
We’ll be a perfect family
5 7-1 6 7 6 7 -5 6 5
When you walk away, it’s when we really play
1 5-3 6 5 1°-1 5-3 6 6 5 1°-1 5-3
You don’t hear me when I say,
5 7-1 6 7 6 7 -5 6 5
Mom, please wake up
Dad’s with a slt, 1°-1 5-3 6 1°-1 5-3 6 6 5 1°-1 5-3 and your son is smking c**nabis
5 7-1 6 7 6 7 -5 6 5
No one never listens, this wallpaper glistens
(3°-1°-6)3° 5° 3° (2°-7-5) 1° 6 2°-4 2° 3° 2° 1°-3 6
Don’t let them see what goes down in the kitchen
5 6-2 6 5 6 6 6 5 6-2 6 6 5 6 1°
Places, places, get in your places
5°-4 3° 5°-4 3° 3°-5 3° 3° 5°-5 3°
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
3°-1 2° 3° 2° 3°-1 3° 2° (3°-1°-6)2° 3° (5°-3°-1-6) 3°
Everyone thinks that we’re perfect
(3°-1°-6-4) 2° 1° 1 3°-5 3° 2° 1° 6
Please don’t let them look through the curtains
(3°-1°-6) 2° 1° 6 3°-5 3° 2° 1° 6
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
5°-4 3° 5°-4 3° 3°-5 3° 3° 5°-5 3°
Pose with your brother, won’t you be a good sister?
3°-1 2° 3° 2° 3°-1 3° 2° (3°-1°-6)2° 3° (5°-3°-1-6) 3°
Everyone thinks that we’re perfect
(3°-1°-6-4) 2° 1° 1 3°-5 3° 2° 1° 6
Please don’t let them look through the curtains
(3°-1°-6) 2° 1° 6 3°-5 3° 2° 1° 6
3°°-4 2°° 1°° 6° 3°°-5 3°° 2°° 1°° 6°
I see things that nobody else sees
3°°-6 2°° 1°° 6° 3°°-5 3°° 2°° 1°° 6°
Dollhouse Kalimba Chords & Letter Notes
Hey girl, open the walls, play with your dolls
G C°-C G-E A G C°-C G-E A G C°-C G-E
We’ll be a perfect family
G B-C A B A B -G A G
When you walk away, it’s when we really play
C G-E A G C°-C G-E A A G C°-C G-E
You don’t hear me when I say,
G B-C A B A B -G A G
Mom, please wake up
Dad’s with a slt, C°-C G-E A C°-C G-E A A G C°-C G-E and your son is smking c**nabis
G B-C A B A B -G A G
No one never listens, this wallpaper glistens
(E°-C°-A)E° G° E° (D°-B-G) C° A D°-F D° E° D° C°-E A
Don’t let them see what goes down in the kitchen
G A-D A G A A A G A-D A A G A C°
Places, places, get in your places
G°-F E° G°-F E° E°-G E° E° G°-G E°
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
E°-C D° E° D° E°-C E° D° (E°-C°-A)D° E° (G°-E°-C-A) E°
Everyone thinks that we’re perfect
(E°-C°-A-F) D° C° C E°-G E° D° C° A
Please don’t let them look through the curtains
(E°-C°-A) D° C° A E°-G E° D° C° A
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
G°-F E° G°-F E° E°-G E° E° G°-G E°
Pose with your brother, won’t you be a good sister?
E°-C D° E° D° E°-C E° D° (E°-C°-A)D° E° (G°-E°-C-A) E°
Everyone thinks that we’re perfect
(E°-C°-A-F) D° C° C E°-G E° D° C° A
Please don’t let them look through the curtains
(E°-C°-A) D° C° A E°-G E° D° C° A
E°°-F D°° C°° A° E°°-G E°° D°° C°° A°
I see things that nobody else sees
E°°-A D°° C°° A° E°°-G E°° D°° C°° A°
Tutorial Video
Song Credits
Artist: Melanie Martinez
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