One More Gift Kalimba Tabs & Chords | Bukas Palad Music Ministry

One More Gift Kalimba Tabs & Numbered Notes

6 1° 1° (1-3-5) 2° 1° 1 3
If there’s one more gift

2° 1° 2° 3° 1° 1
I’d ask of you, Lord

1° 2° 1° (6°-4) 1 3 5° 4° (5°-3) 1 5
It would be peace here on earth

1° (6°-4) 5° 4° 1 6° 5° (1-3-5) 3° 2° 1°
As gentle as your children’s laughter

6° 1° (4-2) 1 3
All around,

3° 1° (2°-3)
All around

1 6 1° 1° 1° 2° 1° (5°-3) 3° 1
Your people have grown weary

1° 1° 1° 2° 1° 5° (3°-5) 1 3
Of living in confusion

1° 2° 1° (3°-1) 2° 1
When will we realize

1° 2° 1° 3° 2° (1°-3)
That neither heaven is

6 1° (2°-4)
At peace

6° 1° 3° 4° 3° (2°-4)
When we will live not in peace

6 1° 1° (1-3-5) 2° 1° 1 3
If there’s one more gift

2° 1° 2° 3° 1° 1
I’d ask of you, Lord

1° 2° 1° (6°-4) 1 3 5° 4° (5°-3) 1 5
It would be peace here on earth

1° (6°-4) 5° 4° 1 6° 5° (1-3-5) 3° 2° 1°
As gentle as your children’s laughter

6° 1° (4-2) 1 3
All around,

3° 1° (2°-3)
All around

3° 1° 1° (1-3-5)
All around

One More Gift Kalimba Chords & Letter Notes

A C° C° (C-E-G) D° C° C E
If there’s one more gift

D° C° D° E° C° C
I’d ask of you, Lord

C° D° C° (A°-F) C E G° F° (G°-E) C G
It would be peace here on earth

C° (A°-F) G° F° C A° G° (C-E-G) E° D° C°
As gentle as your children’s laughter

A° C° (F-D) C E
All around,

E° C° (D°-E)
All around

C A C° C° C° D° C° (G°-E) E° C
Your people have grown weary

C° C° C° D° C° G° (E°-G) C E
Of living in confusion

C° D° C° (E°-C) D° C
When will we realize

C° D° C° E° D° (C°-E)
That neither heaven is

A C° (D°-F)
At peace

A° C° E° F° E° (D°-F)
When we will live not in peace

A C° C° (C-E-G) D° C° C E
If there’s one more gift

D° C° D° E° C° C
I’d ask of you, Lord

C° D° C° (A°-F) C E G° F° (G°-E) C G
It would be peace here on earth

C° (A°-F) G° F° C A° G° (C-E-G) E° D° C°
As gentle as your children’s laughter

A° C° (F-D) C E
All around,

E° C° (D°-E)
All around

E° C° C° (C-E-G)
All around

Tutorial Video

One More Gift Kalimba Notes & Chords

Song Credits

Artists: Ariel Rivera, Bukas Palad Music Ministry
Album: Something More – Songs for Skeptics
Released: 2015